E-Mabis received research articles from researchers, both lecturers, students and practitioners in the fields of economics, management and business that have never been published in other journals, articles can be the results of theoretical studies or research results written in Indonesian or English.
E-Mabis has been indexed by SINTA and published periodically twice times annually (April and October) by Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia.
Information for Authors
The manuscript should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the MRBJ. The manuscript must be written in English and follow the Author Guidelines. Please make sure that your manuscript is prepared using the journal template. Download journal template.
Online Submission
1. Before submit, Authors must register a OJS account. GO TO REGISTRATION
2. After register a OJS account. GO TO LOGIN
Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.
If any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: emabis@unimal.ac.id
E-Mabis has been indexed by SINTA 5.
Vol 25, No 1 (2024): April
Table of Contents
Ikramuddin Ikramuddin, Mariyudi Mariyudi, Faisal Matriadi, Muhammad Roni, Juni Ahyar
Wahyu Indra Jaya, Faisal Matriadi, Nur Faliza, Marbawi Marbawi, Mariyudi Mariyudi, Ikramuddin Ikramuddin, A. Hadi Arifin
Novi Primita Sari, Dhurotus Sangadah
Cici Ariyanti Lukman, Rahmat Sabuhari, Marwan Man Soleman
Nur Afni Yunita, Wahdayani Wahdayani, Rany Gesta Putri Rais, Muhammad Yusra
Ahmad Fadli, Any Widayatsari, Deny Setiawan
Komang Widhya Sedana Putra P, Ni Wayan Lasmi Lasmi
Nadhifa Alifia, Erwin Permana, Harnovinsah Harnovinsah
Wahyu Galang Budiono, Ni Nyoman Suryani, Ni Wayan Eka Mitariani3
Tiara Hikmah Yuliyanti, Lukman Hakim
Nurul Pahimah, Ichsan Ichsan
Damanhur Abbas, Lia Lia