Rahmat Arfan, Ardihirmansyah Ardihirmansyah


The purpose of this journal is for determine relationship between motivations and
job performance staff at Bank Aceh branch Aceh Tenggara. The model of structure
was conducted in this analysis based on theory and research has been done related
to motivation and job performance. The theory use in variable motivation is Theory
of Maslow and for variable job performance use element that has been conduct by
Mathis and Jackson. Analysis in this paper use three step there is reduction, presentation of data and conclution or verification. From this paper founded both of variable is influence each other, but there had dominant step in variable motivation there is appreciation, physiology and actualization, then for dominant step at performance
variable is quantity of job, quality of job and accuracy of time.


Motivation, Job Performance, Maslow Theory, Bank Aceh

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Copyright (c) 2018 Rahmat Arfan, Ardihirmansyah Ardihirmansyah