Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Pada Bisnis Kuliner Dengan Pendekatan SERVQUAL


  • Agustinawati Agustinawati Universitas Malikussaleh


This research aimed to examine the service quality toward customer satisfaction at Culinary Bussiness of café “X†in Lhokseumawe.  The data used in this research was primary data and taken by distributing questionnaires to 96 respondents. Multiple linear regression used for examining the influence of service quality toward customer satisfaction. either partially or simultaneously. Based on the partially test, the research result performed four independent variable, they were physical evidence, reliability, response, guaranty, and empathy that influenced the customer satisfaction about 0.544 or 5.44%.  The research result performed that t-calculation>t-table and indicated that physical evidence (X1), reliability (X2), responsiveness (X3), guaranty (X4), and empathy (X5) influenced significantly toward customer satisfaction. The most dominant variable that influenced the customer satisfaction was responsiveness (X3) because the score of coefficient was the highest and the score of t-calculation was higher than t-table.

Keywords: Physical Evidence, Reliability, Response, Guaranty, Empathy and

                  Customer Satisfaction





