Pengaruh Harga, Lokasi Dan Bukti Fisik Terhadap Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Jasa Hotel Harun Square Di Kota Lhokseumawe
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of price, location, and physical evidence against the decision of consumers to choose the Harun Square hotel services in Lhokseumawe City, and to analyze the dominant factors influencing consumer decision in choosing the Harun Square hotel services in Lhokseumawe City. This study uses primary data of 120 respondents. The sampling technique in this research is using purposive sampling technique. The results of the research hypothesis testing, simultaneously showed that the variables of price, location and physical evidence significantly influence consumer decision in choosing the services of Harun Square hotel in Lhokseumawe city. Furthermore, partially physical evidence variable is the variable most dominant influence on consumer decision in choosing the services of Harun Square hotel in Lhokseumawe.
Keywords:Â Â Â Price, Location, Physical Evidence and Consumer Decision