Model City Marketing dengan Pendekatan Anholht Nation Brand Hexagon di Kota Lhokseumawe

Teuku Zulkarnaen, Naufal Bachri


The research aims to identification products of nation branding and to design the model of City Marketing with Anholt Nation Brand Hexagons. The data used are both primary and secondary data. The analysis of data used qualitative method. Result of the research show that there are several places in Lhoksuemawe that have attractiveness, natural wealth and added value. As for the site are as follows; Pantai Ujong Blang, Masjid Islmic Center, Guha Jepang, Wisata Jeuleukat, Waduk Pusong, Water Boom Mangat Ceria, Pulau seumadu, Makam Madum Pria, Makam Putro Neng, University of Malikussaleh, STAIN Malikussaleh, Kampoeng P. Ramli, and Industry Zone.

Keywords : Attractiveness, Value Added, Brand Hexagon

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