Fakhrurrazi Amir, T. Meldi Kesuma


The aims of this study are to investigate the effect of service quality and innovation
on switching behavior. Colleger of Syiah Kuala University as the consumers of
Subscriber Identity Module card Telkomsel is taken as a sample in this study. The
method of this study employed questionnairs as an instrument. Total sampling is applied
as the study’s proportional technique. Hierarchical Linear Modelling methods
of analysis are used to determine the influence of the variables involved. The result
of this study indicates that service quality have positive effect on switching behavior,
service quality have positive effect on innovation, and innovation has positive effect
on switching behavior. The study also shows that innovation influential significantly
against service quality nor against switching behavior. In addition abtained results
that innovation has partial mediated the effect of service quality to impulse switching


Service Quality, Innovation, Switching Behavior

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Copyright (c) 2018 Fakhrurrazi Amir, T. Meldi Kesuma