Teori Konsumsi Islam Dalam Peningkatan Ekonomi Umat


  • Abdul Hamid Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam, IAIN Langsa


The fulfillment of the needs generally provides an impact or benefits
physically and so on. If a requirement sought, then the fulfillment of these needs
will provide once public satisfaction, but if the needs weren’t based on the
desire, it will only benefit it. There are several mechanisms in the Muslim
consumption. Consumption and public satisfaction in Islam do not forbid
Moslems to fulfill the need or desire for the fulfillment of the human dignity.
Indeed everything on this earth destined to humans, but humans are
commanded to consume the goods / services that are both lawful and
reasonable and not excessive. Fulfillment of desires or needs remain
permissible as long as it adds maslahah or does not bring harm. Rational
consumer is a smart consumer commodity to determine the benefit of themselves
and public interest. The rational consumer’s indicators can be seen among
others from their consumption behavior. The explanation highlights the roles of
consumption are very important as part of national income.


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Zulfikar Alkautsar Implementasi Pemahaman Konsumsi Islam Pada Perilaku Konsumsi Konsumen Muslim

JESTT vol. 1 No. 10 oktober 2014

http://rolalisasi.blogspot.com/2008/02/ pemberdayaan masyarakat-guna mengurangi. html.





