Employee Engagement Cross-Sectional Model dan Implikasinya pada Kinerja
This study aims to analyze various articles that discuss various issues about Cross Sectional Employee Engagement Research Model Implications for Performance in various organizations. From the various literature reviews and research that have been conducted by various researchers who are the basic questions in Cross Sectional Employee Engagement's research model is, Does improvement in engagement lead to improved performance? ' Does engagement intervention lead to an increase in employee engagement and impact on subsequent performance improvements? ' Cross-Sectional research model with variable occurrence of Employee Enggagement both caused by internal factors and external factors must also be tested in future research this is because of bebagai literature that exist today researchers generally see the cause of employee engagement only on the internal factors of the organization and individuals and ignore external factors. For further research it is necessary to review the variables of employee engagement with independent variables Internal Antecedent Employee Engagement and external Antecedent Employee Engagement influence on employee engagement and employee engagement will moderate engagement Outcomes such as Job Satisfaction, Commitment, Prductivity, Innovation Next Engagement Outcomes will moderate performance, such as (task performance, extra-role performance and organizational performance).
Keywords: Employee Engagement, Cross-Sectional Model, literature review, Performance
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