Customer Behavior in Islamic Banking Industry
Islamic banking is a rapidly growing industry in the domestic and global economy. This provider competes to improve and maintain the customer through increasing satisfaction, trust and loyalty. To achieve this goal, customer relationship management and value creation are used as the key strategy. This study is a conceptual study that examines the relationship between customer relationship management, value creation, satisfaction, trust and customer loyalty. Customer relationship management can be used as a managerial strategy in managing business interactions by integrating process and technology for understanding the customer. Value can lead to positive behavior such as the demand purchases increasingly, the desire to buy more, do word of mouth and recommend the company to others. Customer satisfaction is suggested as a key determinant of customer loyalty. The main benefit of the trust is customer loyalty that affects long-term relationship and huge profit. Finally, customer loyalty is needed as an element in a competitive marketing strategy.
Keywords: customer relationship management, value creation, satisfaction, trust, loyalty
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