Analisa Dalam Mengukur Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Menggunakan Metode PIECES

Yuli Asbar, Mochammad Ari Saptari


This study aims to determine the measurement of customer satisfaction on the quality of services seen from PIECES measurement methods on employee performance so that companies know things to do to improve customer satisfaction. Questionnaire data in the measurement of service quality are performance indicator, information indicator, economic indicator, indicator control, indicator efficiency and service indicator. The results of this study provide an overview of the company in viewing the value of each employee in providing services based on performance indicators, information indicator, economic indicator, indicator control, indicator efficiency and service indicators. With the application of model analysis PIECES can see directly the employees and can make improvements for each employee and facilitate the company.

Keywords:  service analysis, service quality, PIECES

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