Memberdayakan Perempuan Melalui Ekonomi Kreatif
One industry that is becoming a byword as the new hope for boost Indonesia's economy is the creative industry. The creative industry is an establishment that will never timeless. This business will continue to grow, if the business actors never stop creating and learning. As a new driving pattern in the economy based on creativity, then it is most closely related to human resources. Efforts are being made to improve the creative efforts of women such as: increase women's access to knowledge and skills of management, market information, capital, formation of business groups, increased revenue and business, organizing women in the group, the reduction of the workload, peningkatnya active participation peremuan in business planning. The empowerment of women is an attempt to bring about equality of roles, access, and control of women and men in all areas of development. Women's empowerment programs conducted by the government and the public for this effort is to always realize terdistribusinya tercipatanya and development benefits for both men and women equally.