Tingkat Kreativitas Guru Kelas Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri Tangan-Tangan Aceh Barat Daya
Teachers are an important component in improving the quality of education that is required creativity to find new methods and strategies in order to create a situation of effective teaching and learning, creative and fun in the classroom. Creative or not a teacher is crucial reciprocation of the learning process. This research concerns the problem of how the level of creativity of classroom teachers at MIN Tangan-Tangan ABDYA, based on the characteristics of creative teacher namely: a background reading is quite spacious, curiosity, have the imagination, is able to create combinations / variations, respond to questions and tend give more answers, take risks, assess skills (evaluation). As for the question in this research are: (1) How does the level of creativity of classroom teachers at MIN Tangan-Tangan ABDYA during the learning process, (2) What efforts do creative teacher to foster the creativity of students.This study aims to determine the level of creativity of classroom teachers currently teaching and learning activities which includes three stages: stage plan PBM; stages in the implementation of PBM; and stages in evaluating the PBM. This research is a descriptive study, which used a qualitative approach. Subjects in this study is a classroom teacher at MIN Tangan-Tangan ABDYA. The data collection is done by using observation and interviews. Data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that: (1) From the observed teacher meets the criteria of creative, by making props such as cardboard, stones and sticks. Using local languages for suppression material, interspersed with stories, sing and motivate students. (2) The efforts of teachers to foster student creativity can be considered good. It is shown the efforts of teachers to motivate students to semagat in learning. It is shown the efforts of teachers to motivate students to semagat in learning. In managing the classroom teacher has been successful, for example if there are students who do a scene, the teacher reprimanded and approach with the students. Then when there are students who give incorrect answers, teachers do not directly blame the students but give praise (comments) that are build and seek answers from other students. In granting the award / reward teachers reward was varied and of itself would be able to foster students' creativity.
Keyword: Teacher Creativity , Creative