Pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Produk, dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Membeli Shampo Dove Di Kota Lhokseumawe
This research aimed to know and analyze the influence of Brand Image, product quality, and price toward customer decision in purchasing Dove Shampoo in Lhokseumawe city. The sample of this research was 96 respondents that use Dove Shampoo in Lhokseumawe city. The data collected by distributing questionnaire to 96 respondents through Accidental Sampling to know the respond of respondentstoward variables. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the influence of Brand Image. Product Quality, and Price toward customer decision in purchasing Dove Shampoo in Lhokseumawe city either simultaneously or partially. The result of this research partially showed that three independent variables, i.e. Brand image, Produc quality and price influenced significantly toward purchase decision. While f-test showed that Brand image, Product quality and price simultaneously and significantly influenced on customer decisionin purchasing Dove Shampoo in Lhokseumawe. The score of Adjusted Rsquare was 0,844 showed that 84,4% of customer decision could be influenced by three independent variables used in regression. Where as the restwas 15,6% influenced by the other variables that were not used in this research.